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Monday, November 26

Stars and Stripes Forever

Time to go shopping! Here is your shopping list for craft supplies:
Felt - white, green, red, and colors of your choice
Cotton balls
Yarn - red or green

Craft Time: Christmas tree decorations are the order of the day. These are the Christmas version of stars and stripes - we'll just call them stars and icicles. Cut out starts and strips of construction paper. Take some of the strips and stack them together. Now start cutting off little bits at angles, creating paper confetti. Put glue on your cut-outs and sprinkle your confetti paper over it until it is covered. Shake off the extra confetti. Use yarn, string, rubber bands, twisty-ties, etc. to hang your ornaments. Just tape onto the back and hang on the tree.

Story Time: Read a Christmas story with your little ones. Today we added O Little Town of Bethlehem, A Pageant of Lights, published by Candy Cane Press. It is a great book for all ages. It is a board book, so highly tolerant of your littlest ones, and has light up stars and music. What fun!

Music Time: Practice singing your ABC's with your kids. Incorporate any toys that play the tune. If you have toys with the alphabet on them, use them to teach the letters while you sing.

Art Time: Repeat - this whole week is going to be Focus on Photography. Let your kids take pictures to make home-made Christmas cards. Help your kids play photographer by setting up scenes for them to photograph. How about a favorite teddy bear holding a Christmas stocking? How about a favorite teddy bear in a Christmas stocking?

Indoor Time: Hide and go seek Tag.... sounds wrong, but it is right. You have probably played this before, but just never put a name to it. I play this all the time and my kids love it! Say, "I'm going to get you!" then run up and tickle them. Run away and hide around a corner or behind a doorway. As your kids come out looking for you, jump out and say again, "I'm going to get you!" Your kids will run squealing with delight as you chase after them to tickle them again. Repeat the process until you are all laughed out. :)

Outdoor Time: Teach your little ones how to skip and practice skipping around the yard.

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