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Tuesday, November 20

Underwater Basket Weaving for Kids

Craft Time: Okay, not exactly underwater basket weaving, but you will introduce your kiddos to the concept of weaving today in your craft time.
Fold a piece of construction paper in half and cut slits about 1 inch apart, stopping about an inch from the edge. Cut strips of other colored paper to use to weave over and under in your cut paper. Glue down the ends. You can use "fall" colors and make place mats for your Thanksgiving dinner. We just went for the colorful look. Use this time to talk with your child about the Pilgrims. We had a discussion about how they didn't have stores to go buy what they needed. They had to make things that they needed. The weaving pattern could be used to make baskets, rugs, or blankets.

Art Time: Print out Thanksgiving themed coloring sheets to color. There are loads of sites where you can download pictures for free. Here is a link to one. coloring pages

Story Time: Read a Thanksgiving story that you picked out at the library as part of your story time today.

Music Time: Have an Indian pow-wow. Find things that you can beat on like a drum and dance. Suggestions for drums: small bucket, empty oatmeal container, small box... experiment with different things and see what makes good rhythms. Take turns playing the drums while the other person dances.

Outdoor Time: It's that time of year for playing in big piles of leaves. Rake up a pile and have fun running and jumping in it or throwing them in the air and letting them fall on you like confetti at a party. My daughter likes to be buried in them so only her head is showing. :)

Indoor Time: Grow a pretend garden and talk about how the Pilgrims had to grow their own food. If you have toy vegetables, great. Otherwise just use blocks or something similar and pretend they are food. Throw blankets on the floor to be your garden. Plant your plastic food in the folds and cover them up. Pretend to water your garden. Get a "basket" and go back and harvest the vegetables in your garden.

Let us know how your kids enjoyed todays Thanksgiving fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are u titus kiddaze davies