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Friday, December 7

Too Many Toys!

This is starting a new category - quick tips.

Are you buried under a mountain of toys? Here is a quick tip that worked for me. When the kids were soundly sleeping, I gathered all the toys together. I took three plastic crates and divided all the toys into the crates. I'm talking about all the little stuff - the slinkies, baby dolls, race cars, Shrek watch, bouncy balls, teething toys, etc. I tried to separate like items so there was some of each in the crates. Then I packed up 2 boxes and put them in my closet. I let the kids play with the toys in one crate until I notice that they are starting to spend more time exploring non-toy items, i.e. getting into cabinets, dragging around my broom, etc. Then that night, I pack up the toys and exchange out the crate. The next few days are so exciting as they find "new" toys to play with and forgotten about long lost friends.

Keep smiling! :)

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