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Tuesday, January 1

Busy Bodies

Craft Time: For your craft time make paper dolls. You can either design them yourself, or get some help online. (paper doll link) Keep it simple for the younger ones - maybe make a simple bear.

Indoor Time: Play Simon Says. Keep the actions more simple for the indoors. Do things that will help with them learning to identify arms, legs, hands, feet, etc.

Outdoor Time: Here is an easy hide and go seek.

Art Time: Using playdough, have your kids shape little people. Make all the body parts - feet, legs, body, arms, head - then assemble them.

Story Time: Find a book that teaches about the parts of the body. (arms, legs, hands, feet, etc.) This will tie in nicely with your music time today.

Music Time: Do the Hokey Pokey with your kids today. Need the Lyrics? Don't be afraid to add your own twist to the song and dance like "You put your teddy bear in, you put your teddy bear out..."

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