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Tuesday, January 29

Food for Thought

Have you ever wondered how to get your kids to eat healthy? Here is the quick tip of the day: If you want them to eat healthy, you have to eat healthy.

I was at one time a raw foodist and I still have a few favorite recipes that I like to whip up now and again. These are definitely not your traditional fare. But my kids want to eat whatever I am eating. They don't care that no other kid on the block is eating raw tabouli salad for lunch. What they care about is that mommy is eating raw tabouli salad - and they want it.

There are some things that they might try and decide they don't want. But usually if they see me eating it on a regular basis, they try it again because, gosh darn it.... they want what I have!

Sure my kids like to eat chicken nuggets and french fries. But when they beg for fruit, eat green salads, raw nuts and whole wheat pasta on a regular basis, do you think I worry about the occasional junk food? Nope.

That is the unfortunate truth of it...if you want your kids to eat healthy, then it starts with you.

And since I mentioned it, here is the recipe for raw tabouli that I make...yummy and chock full of nutrition.

In a food processor chop several green onions, about 1/2 bunch of parsley, and 1/2 bunch of cilantro. Mix in a handful of chopped raw almonds and 1 large chopped tomato. Mash a ripe avocado with the juice of 1/2 small lemon, a drizzle of EVOO, and a little honey. (optional) Stir the avocado dressing into the salad and chow down!

1 comment:

C said...

That's a great post! I only keep healthy things in the house, so that the choices are already great. Even our "treats" will be made with whole wheat flour and honey - instead of sugar.

I knew I was doing well when I heard my son declare one day, "Oh darn! We're out of wheat germ. I wanted some on my applesauce!"