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Thursday, January 10

New Year, New Format

A big apology to my 1 or 2 readers out there besides my mom. We have had a major interruption this week in my ability to blog. First I have been having computer problems and was concerned about having a virus. I wanted to download the AVG free virus protection program, but on dial up, it was a very lengthy process. (about 4 1/2 hours) To make matters worse, I kept getting disconnected and having to restart the download.

Then, after finally getting the virus protection up and running, we had an unforeseen major change of venue. We packed up our kids and drove 27 hours to Phoenix. Hubby is going to be working down here for a while. With all of this going on, I have not had the opportunity to do my regular blogging.

Meanwhile, I have been thinking about changing the format. My original concept was for a book that would categorize activities for moms. I am going to start doing posts following this format. Each post will be under one of the activity labels - indoor time, outdoor time, arts, crafts, music, and story time. Then you can pick and choose your own activities by looking under the labels on the blog page. The good news is that I am back on high speed internet now that I am in Phoenix, so I should be able to get the site completely updated while I am here.

Thanks for your patience and next week will resume regular postings.

Now for wading through all this, you get rewarded with this touching little tidbit to remind us that children may say the darndest things, but sometimes they also say the most profound things. Click on the Sky Angel Cowboy link and listen to the audio message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's just amazing somea the things that come out of our children's seems like everyday i hear at least one thing that either shocks me or makes me laugh.