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Thursday, December 13

Friday Favorites

Okay gang, here's the deal. I don't know how it is around your house, but there is tooo much stuff to do with the kids. What ends up happening is my older daughter wants to do something we did before, but of course I've already lined up something new and different to do for the day. In the spirit of 'this is supposed to make life easier with our kids' I am not going to post a fifth day's worth of activities. Fridays are now favorites day. Redo your kids favorite activities from the week. How do you know what those were? Ask them! When it is time to play a game, ask what game they want to play. If they don't name one off the top of their head, then guess what? It gets to be your favorite from the week! Either way, you will have plenty of choices and continued fun with your kids.

Enjoy your Friday favorites!

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