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Sunday, December 30

Fun Farm Frolicking

Welcome back! I hope you all had great holidays and you are sufficiently recovered and ready for the arrival of the new year. We are going to start out simply this week since it has been such a busy time of the year.

Music Time: Sing Old MacDonald had a Farm with your kids.

Craft Time: Make paper bag puppets. Try making farm animals like a cow, pig, sheep, or chicken. You can do this by decorating the bags with construction paper cutouts or get more creative with other art supplies. (ex: buttons, yarn, glitter, etc.)

Story Time: Read books about farm animals.

Outdoor Time: Have your kids pretend to be different farm animals.

Art Time: Have your kids draw and color a farm scene. If you have really young artists at home, find them a coloring page with farm animals and just have them do the coloring.

Indoor Time: Put on a puppet show. If you have puppets, you can use them. Otherwise, use the puppets you made at craft time.

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